Sunday, August 9, 2009

About someone who's weird impact on my life.

It's started ordinary,we met accidentally, going for the same party, excited about the evening and looking forward to it. This time, we were standing in white box(it looks like cucumber),totally overcrowded, smelling the dust and quite intensive people's sweat.I coudn't predict that I'll meet this person again, at least not in special circumstances.
Some of his features were suprising according to some useless stereothypes about each nationality’s look.
He seemed to be quite mature comparing to other freaky and childlish young people.It was just my first impression though.
Isn’t it interesting that we follow these silly stereothypes, blocking ourselves somehow? Blocking from enjoying discovering the person who stands right next to You?
While we were spending more and more time with ourselves and knowing each other day by day, I've started to realise that both of us wants something more from life and expects something different from the second person. It didn't break our relation though.
Long conversations about philosophy,politics, food, other people and even body lotions made me realise that we have things in common even though we are from different worlds. We were stubbornly trying to make our dreams come true...
And then I've asked him one question:
" What will happen if You get everything that you 've always wanted? What if there's no dreams left to fight for? What if the same happens with person to whom you've promised to be forever with? WHat if you've discovered every detail about him or her?"
What if there are no more challenges and magic...mystery....
Easy peasy simple pimple? Only superficially...

PERHAPS we want to know someone in details unconsciously in order to feel safe and comfortable eventually...So why then so many of us are getting fat straightly after being with someone in a relationship? Isn't it becausewe are not obliged to be active as we used to be previously>>>? there's no point of going for "hunting" anymore!
Our potential "meat" is sitting comfortably on the coach, eating and enjoying one of those shittysoap operas or other shows.
Fortunately it happens only to some people I know! The rest is enjoying going out and spending time actively, even though they are coming back home totally wrect, dirty and smelly.THat's real love!
To sum up,pure love equals being dirty and smelly and still enjoying it. Together :0)

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