Sunday, August 30, 2009

It’s hard to find guy who eat soap these days.For Mrs Spring it’s even harder to settle down!

I’ve just came back from my friend’s wedding party today. My high school colleagues and I met in luxurious and cosy restaurant to discuss life issues and have fun mainly. I’ve announced a contest for the word or expression that I’ve heard the most often that night.
Well, there was something about drinking, baked sausages, car wheels, unhealthy but sooo delicous cakes, indigestible pork (gross!) the newest model of condoms and to my intense suprise: settling down! Almost all of my crazy and irresponsible mates are planning to settle down!

Setttle down...What does it mean exactly?
To become calm or composed.
To begin living a stable and orderly life

To put everything into order, to plan life, to choose your home place.
When is the right time for it? When you are turning 21? 23? 34? 60? Where is the magical deadline? Who can decide about it?

It’s so deceptive, you live your live calmly, peacefully and then when you turn 2x (x = 5,6,7 or?) you realise that everyone is married(half of them divorced so whats the point fo doing that just because people expect you to), they collected money for bulding new home or flat (taken credit which must be paid every single month for next 30 years(bright version)) and getting fat due to settled in POST-Married systemŕ working, getting home, eating.watching.sleeping(WHES symptome) and becoming a bit grumpy(that adjective fully descibes me nowadays too).

Perhaps I am becoming too cruel, but!  What can I say, that’s reality of several people I know.
I am having spasms of panic when I am thinking about becoming middle aged woman with no ambitions, stucked at home with beer can sitting and complaining about life and in the same time, doing nothing to evolve and improve her life conditions....
From the other hand, we are basically animals who has the herd instincts to live in a group of people and there’s no chance to avoid it.

Everyone need to be accepted in social group where he or she belongs. No way to escape from obeying the rules that have massive impact on our lives...Your authonomy is shrinking, you become a little grey mouse, existing in enormous world, struggling with problems, making decisions and trying to make this world better for you and others.

I guess I am still too rebelious and childlish to settle down.

Life is an unpredictible gift, we won’t have the second chance to enjoy it...Appreciate it then and do what your heart is telling you, not what other people expect you to do, even though your concept of life is absolutely weird and not understandable for others!

Follow your heart and listen to your soul...

PS. Mrs Spring is my new nickname :0)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Is it possible to replace Keyboard cat by Piano Cracovian cat? Foxy lady’s rulez!

During the whole lovely weekend I was hunting stubbornly ...trying to catch the proper cat for this mission. With no results.
It’s just that F. cat doesnt have strength to play every single day anymore.
Pompie and I found one but it was too scarried of my reddish head and run away.

We even had the chance to use piano. We couldn’t though. Look at this tired of life but still passionate about his hobby cat and tell me the truth:


While walking on the main Square and admiring the folklor products, cute, charming little girl caught our eye. She was playing with her mother’s legs, stucked between them.

She noticed us staring at her and didn’t stop smilling enchantingly.During that moments you realise how beautiful and amazing the world is!

Cracov didn’t suprise me at all, it looks like one huge mess nowadaysŕ renovations, ugly fences and cheeky tourists, nothing new.
I enjoyed eating Pierogi though, sitting next to the Wisła River and laughing quietly at disappointed Police officers who were planning to fine us for drinking!
I also missed drinking tea in unique Tea house.We found one, in Jewish Area- Kazimierz, however it was not as good as the one in Prague. Margarita shisha flavour was sooo tasty though!
In the end I’ve lost train to my town accidentally and I had to find other way to get home. It was raining strongly and I soaked completely!
I still smell the coconut flavour.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Innocent eyes

Amazing how one song can remind You plenty of things from the past!!!That's Karpaz, one of the most beautiful beaches in the world (I am wondering who measure that)

Pure water, clean sand and specfic smelling air...

Friday, August 14, 2009

22.11. Nyah Nyah Nyah!

Two women from totally different backgrounds, extremely different culture and two opposite parts of the world were born on the same day.
Does it mean that they have similar points of view about life and existence, common behaviour and the same taste?
Till I've met her I would definitely say NO!
NO! No ! No!
what a ridiculous thought!
Some people think that the date of our birth(horoscopes bla bla bla...) has huge impact on our habits,personality and way of thinking. Well, I didn't believe that and I am quite sceptical about it still. However,this story's changed my way of thinking a bit :0)
She came to me opening the doors loudly. The first thing I saw were huge leopard design gumboots and then her face flushed red. She was carrying two enormous bags.I thought: O gosh! and nothing more, apart from wondering how the next several months will look like...
Day by day I have been realising that we have a lot in common....similar experiences about sociality, guys,eating and...being independent woman :0)
Everything seemed to be like a puzzle.We even had some body language signs, saying the same words or expressions in the same time or just thinking about the same....One evening I even felt a bit scared observing us chatting.
It's unusual to meet someone who was born on the same day and quite weird to meet that person in your room and realise that she is going to be your roommate for a longer while,isn't it? :)
Anyways,she gave me strength to fight for make my dreams come true, energy to overcome my disability and faith- to believe in myself and other people's kindness.

Cheers, my roommate!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The story about Kotek who didn’t want to eat--> My private fairy tale created by my mum when I used to be a BOISTEROUS child :) (Censored Version)

Once upon a time, there was a small lanky cat named Kotek.
One day, he was playing football with his friends. When lunch time came around, Kotek was nowhere to be found, because he didn’t want to eat lunch.
Mrs Kotkova screamed and hollered but Kotek wasn’t even bothered.
He wen to to the forest in order to escape. Bringing on this twist of fate, after a while, Kotek realised that he was hungry.Even some blueberries didn’t help his growing appetite.
Before he knew it, the sky was dark.Unsure of what to do, Kotek sat on log and became to cry.Suddenly, he heard strange noise.
There was a fluffy rabbit gnawing a carrot. While he was staring at Kotek, he asked him what was wrong and why he was crying.
Kotek explained that he had been lost in the forest and he didn’t know what to do.
Kind rabbit called Joe offeed him a place to sleep in his rabbit hole.
Joe’s father (who suprisingly had lovely, slanting eyes and round belly)welcomed them even though it was quite late.
Kotek was famished so they ate carrot soup and badger burgers together and then went to sleep.
Kotek really regreted escaping from home madly.
Joe and Kotek woke up in the morning ready to go.Kotek has already missed his mother and he couldn’t wait to see her.When they reached kotek’s house he and his mother hugged and cried because they were so relieved to see each other.
Kotek vowed to obey Mrs Kotkova’s rules and always enjoy her meals.
Joe and kotek became good friends, Mrs Kotkova and Mr Rabbit got hooked on each other and they and lived happily ever after.


Sunday, August 9, 2009

About someone who's weird impact on my life.

It's started ordinary,we met accidentally, going for the same party, excited about the evening and looking forward to it. This time, we were standing in white box(it looks like cucumber),totally overcrowded, smelling the dust and quite intensive people's sweat.I coudn't predict that I'll meet this person again, at least not in special circumstances.
Some of his features were suprising according to some useless stereothypes about each nationality’s look.
He seemed to be quite mature comparing to other freaky and childlish young people.It was just my first impression though.
Isn’t it interesting that we follow these silly stereothypes, blocking ourselves somehow? Blocking from enjoying discovering the person who stands right next to You?
While we were spending more and more time with ourselves and knowing each other day by day, I've started to realise that both of us wants something more from life and expects something different from the second person. It didn't break our relation though.
Long conversations about philosophy,politics, food, other people and even body lotions made me realise that we have things in common even though we are from different worlds. We were stubbornly trying to make our dreams come true...
And then I've asked him one question:
" What will happen if You get everything that you 've always wanted? What if there's no dreams left to fight for? What if the same happens with person to whom you've promised to be forever with? WHat if you've discovered every detail about him or her?"
What if there are no more challenges and magic...mystery....
Easy peasy simple pimple? Only superficially...

PERHAPS we want to know someone in details unconsciously in order to feel safe and comfortable eventually...So why then so many of us are getting fat straightly after being with someone in a relationship? Isn't it becausewe are not obliged to be active as we used to be previously>>>? there's no point of going for "hunting" anymore!
Our potential "meat" is sitting comfortably on the coach, eating and enjoying one of those shittysoap operas or other shows.
Fortunately it happens only to some people I know! The rest is enjoying going out and spending time actively, even though they are coming back home totally wrect, dirty and smelly.THat's real love!
To sum up,pure love equals being dirty and smelly and still enjoying it. Together :0)

Red head is thinking....

Journeys are about possibilities.
They denote a change in state.
When you arrive, you are no longer the same person who departed.
You can make new friends on route or find old may get diarrhea from eating stale samosas or cholera from drinking contaminated water.
And, dare I say it, you might even discover love.....
It's a quotation from one of the most recent well popularised books...I am pretty sure that almost everyone had watched the movie.
I've read book first and I felt quite dazed after it.
The question is what to hell am I looking for during my travelling?
or my sould which has beenlost somewhere?
Maybe I feel like discovering some proper ways of life in order to feel fulfilled and purely happy?