Monday, November 1, 2010

Life is so beautiflly organized, that you cannot help others without helping yourself :0)

once upon a time...

in a galaxy far far away…in one green and blue planet, where candy grew on trees and the busses bought you tickets to ride them...there was one inhabitant of this planet, called koteczek.

she looked a bit like a cat, but much cuter, her hair and soul were reddish and she had a small tail, although it was for reasons unkown a bit embarasing for her.

she lived in a small flat on flowery street in a biiig city.

on day, on her way to ocset, an shopping mall near by her place, she met a butterfly .

on this planet, butterflies are intelligent, and are know for their kindness and good driving skills, although noone was able to figure out how they shift gears in a car...

nobody seems to care though.

anyway, this butterfly stops in front of our koteczek and says to her:

"would you please help me cross the street?"

koteczek looks at the street, a complex set of highways, pathways and railroads, and being reddish, replies without thinking: "yeah sure :) "

so the butterfy and koteczek start to walk together, across this maze of highways and railroads

our reddish hero, being a local, ofcourse knew the way, no wonder the poor butterfly couldn't find the path through, as they keep walking, they began to talk.

She learnt that the butterfly was a public bus driver, and he came from a country very far away, called Norway.

koteczek was pleased she made a new friend she could meet on the bus - she hated the aliened feeling of riding a vehicel full of people, with no one to talk to.

while walking and talking, the two reached a railroad crossing, the butterfly started to drift towards the other side, because the end of the street crossing was not very far

but koteczek grabbed one of his beautifull wings and pulled him backwards a moment later, a super-high-speed magnetic levitation train passed by at an enormous speed

looking perplexed, the butterfly spoke to koteczek - "thank you, but how did you know"

"don't mention it, you have to look at the railroad crossing sign"

as the butterfly looked up, he saw what she was pointing at - two red lights, rapidly blinking in succession

the railroad crossing's beel was out of order, and people who were not new here did not know

they then both crossed the railroad safely, and within a few meters and one corner, they were finally on the other side of the street.

the butterfly tursn to koteczek and says - "dakujeeem"

"that's thank you in our language, you know"

"I hope to see you on the bus. I will help you get home next time!"

our reddish koteczek waved back to the butterfly, and returned on her way to ocset

happy that she made a new bus-driver-butterfly friend

Life is so beautiflly organized, that you cannot help others without helping yourself :0)

By: say kyo


Why I am here for?

LiFe------> Miserable existence or enriching experience?

Tones of questions about existence have been appearing in our minds for so many centuries,
issues that we have to deal with every singe day at work, home, basically everywhere.

Therefore, all of those guides how to become happy, successful and remain peace in your soul, became extremely popular among people all over the world.

The best recipies to keep balance in your soul, advices, does and don't s, make me dizzy a little bit even if it's also me who is keen on such a development and changes which should be implemented in my life.

The novelty on the market is the newest movie about the journey to inside of your heart....
Lovely, well shooted, a bit idealised and simplified though...
The whole process of letting yourself to know what is your need and what you really want is more complex than this shown in the movie.

The decision about starting process of changes has to be made, though.
It is said that if you do it, if you pass this border, the half of an effort is done- the same with addictied people who admit they lost themselves somewhere in unknown place and want to go back.
It is uncommon for me to quote the greatests philosophers or spiritual masters, prophets but whatBuddha said refers to so many people's states:

The whole secret of existence is to have no fear"

Our life is occupied by fear.
Fear of changes.
Too much of mess, too much of noise and complicating your life by yourselves cause the state of dizziness and clumsiness

It's enough that you leave your whole life and go to travel in order to find peace.

I am quite sceptic about all of these ways-- will this really make me happy?
Won't it be enough sometimes just to sit in front of the person that you care about and make a plan of changes, trying to implement them step by step?

On the other hand, the perspective of travelling, tasting, smelling , hearing and touching something new is right.
Our body and mind remains the same, our brain get used to see the same buildings on the way to work, the same people, their voices, smells, dealing with their habits, silly acting sometime.

How incredible is the process of testing yourself while being in various situations, that you haven't experienced before! how refreshing it can be!

To exist is to experience change,in yourself, in people's in the world's.
If you are closed for a change, you are already "dead".

If you do not consider other beliefs, opinions, ways of life, then nothing in your life will change.
If you do not listen, it means that you haven't learnt how to listen to yourself yet.

There is time for changing that.
With no fear.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Land of lisping chicos, palatable food and peculiar nudists!

It all started from little reddish dream about Spain and Barcelona
the land of Catalonians...
It's wonderful that after all o these years, I was finally keeping the ticket in my hand, thanks to someone with whom I still share some other dreams.

Another adventure in my life, the new place tasting, culture space and quirky people meeting.

The way was too short to realize that we landed in Bergamo.

Hosted by humble and shy Italian who is also nudist, was brand new experience for me.

I haven't been tame with this type of people therefore I was not sure how to act not to offend anyone. After a while though, I got used to it :)

Bergamo, despite of its size, captivated me with stunning views, the Upper town area and colors everywhere around...

However, we had to move on on the other day...Barcelona, ah sweet Barcelona!

these 5 days brought hope and passion back to my life...

During my stay there i have:

tried lovely aloe vera from asian shop

was admiring amazing, colorful and freaky architecture

listening to crazy rasta bands on las rablas

bargaing with Pakistani guys

taking photos of Elmo who is fascinated about meat

watching elmo enjoying barbie's company

smelling striking hot air when leaving the plane...

struggling with my capacity to see as much as I could while being sick...

tasting Oriol's food, cooked carefully and with no rush

reading about Gaudi and his specific childhood which later on

had a great impact on his art

calling cats which were everywhere to be founded

seen the ducks, enjoying the time in front of church - Cathedral de Barcelona

observing nudists and drinking beer on the beach

eaten papaguayo :)

admiring the views...

tasted a mojito in a plastic cup ....yummi!

smothering some chicos

walking barefoot and searching for this poor man who stole my shoes!

tried homemade wine in the smallest, most crowded and still so cozy place!

attended flamenco music concert..and admired charmismatic dancer- her moves were enough to see what she felt...

been in guell park, where thousands of colors combined together make compelling view...

seen half naked dj from latin america, performing in one of the clubs....

been thinking about life while watching ol walls of the castle...


No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.” – L. Yutang.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tuscany: Land of sun, funky cazzos, delicious mozarella and gelato!

How amazing life is!

How huge impact we have on it - however, only if we want to. This country stunned me a bit, I must admit.

I expected something less interesting , going there mainly to spend some time with someone who has  space in my heart reserved. I expected peculiar conversations about life, laugh, some meditation but nothing more.

How positively suprised I was!

Italy- land of artists, cazzos, bambinos :)

here it is:

                                              Duomo di Siena

one of these charming narrow streets.....

I will leave this one without comment...I was quite shocked when I saw it...

Pisa, Spanish chico is playing with pigeons...innocent, curious and...cute :)

Birds in Italy are sort of sadysts :D

Pisa...the best gelato ever! small, cozy cafeteria on the suburbs of the town...

hmmmm.... Sexy shop... :D

the common view of The Piazza del Duomo...yeeeee, girls are pretending to touch the tower!

and here it is, in real:

Hot meals available like water in machine :

However, I preferred this yummy food: Fresh Mozarella, tomatoes and bread :)

This cathedral was extremely hard to find for me....It was worth though!

2 bambinos and small pizza :) matteo is pretending not to be famished :P

Leather market....

in a hurry....

a view from the window...apples, basil, what else do I need?

Noone was able to tell me who is the woman painted on the sidewalk...mysterious look, lovely curly hair...

ciao bella :D

This church reminds me about the time when I used to dream about living in a world made from marcipan :)

Oh yeah cazzo,show me what you've got!

View from the hill in Arezzo:

And remarkable Florence at night...

I came back totally famished and exhausted...and purely happy.....


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Reddish Life in Halusky Land

Reddish Life in Halusky* Land

Once upon a time there was a decent girl called Sincap** living in Pierogi Land. She didn’t have proper job therefore she was really sad. The nature of her current job was inappriopriate to her personality and eagerness to help people. She couldn’t jump and breathe properly.

The days were passing  and Sincap started to wonder what can help her to find the proper way, path to follow in her reddish life.

While talking with her forest friends, she realized that she could attend some meetings and learn from others how to develop skills and be useful for others.

Then, one day while eating peanuts, Misza***, her good friend told her that there was a course perfect for her.

„It will help you develop your skills and find proper way to follow!” he claimed.

Sincap decided to attend these classes after deep research and reading. Shortly after, she met many others  who were not sure of what they would like to do in the future or wanted to learn more about the other aspects of the world.

Whole group had someone special who was taking care of them: Mrs Owl - wise and experienced teacher with a lot of knowledge.

Sincap was analysing her skills and abilities and asking herself what she would like to do, what she can offer to others.

Sincap was attending the classes, studying a lot and reflecting on her life priorities, while eating her favourite pierogi. Slowly, she started to realize her weaknessess and strengths.

Some issues were completely new for her so she was struggling with understanding them. On the other hand, plenty of information sounded and looked familiar and she really enjoyed reading and listening about them.

From time to time she was scared or confused because of lack of understanding some processes. She was sure of her ability to understand these information sooner or later, though.

Then, on one sunny day, she got a leaf with information that she has been invited for a meeting related to job she applied for. Jumping and screaming, she went to share these lovely news to her new friends.

What was her dissapointment when  Mr Racoon – hard working postman informed her that the meeting was cancelled and she has no job now.

Sincap sat down on the grass and started to wonder what to do.

Mrs Sowa taught her that every difficult situation should be threated not as problem but as an opportunity to use new skills and creativeness possessed during experiencing life.

Hef friends - goat and bear  advised her to look for something new, friends from the school also offered help.

After a long while she found a job in Haluskovy land - homeland of  other creatures - friends of pierogi land citizens. Sincap was already in homeland of Knedliki and the job was about helping other people with finding a job so she thought: Why not!

Friends of Sincap didn’t want to let her go to the other land which may be dangerous but they understood that it was a chance for her to learn and get new experience. She also knew their tribe tongue and hoped that this place may provide her an adventure, passion and development.

Indeed, she has started learnig and experiencing the process of helping other with finding a job: searching for candidates, dealing with administering databases, even teaching youngsters how to present themselves when they apply for a job.

Living in Halusky Land was not easy - her reddish fur was standing out of other sights, therefore she didn’t feel comfortable from time to time.

However, there were also other newcomers- different from halusky tribe therefore sincap found support in their small community:  some creatures even wanted to learn her pierogi dialect, therefore she was very happy to teach them.

Being foreign animal was not easy though. Official law was strict and confusing, sincap was having a mess in her head because of all those instructions, regulations and weird exceptions.

Days in Haluskowy Land were passing and sincap started to realize that she wants something more from life. Day by day she started to be aware of the fact that it is not what she was expecting coming here: while searching for a good candidate for job, she had to consider the company needs rather than a creature- candidate needs. She didn’t like it.

Still studying in Mrs Owl School, sincap was preparing her own idea of Peanut House plan: it took her a lot of time to clarify all ideas and predict if this place could bring positive benefit for her and potential creatures coming and enjoying frree time.

Spending plenty of time with writing and creating the background of this place, sincap became a hermit.

What hapened next?

Currently, Sincap is sitting on the grass, enjoying the sun and finishing her peanut house project, while eating halusky. What is in her mind? What will be the next step in her reddish life?


She is Still searching her place on the Earth…

However, she already has her biggest weapon in furry paws:  the idea of what she is good at and how she can use it in her professional  life. And that’s all about the awareness.






*Halusky is traditional Slovak Meal

**Sincap means Squirrel in Turkish

*** Misza (Michael, Michał) is a popular name in Slovakia and Czech Republic





Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The story about abandoned little sweet rabbit who was almost killed in the wood.

Once upon a time there was a lovely, tiny bunny...

He had no name. One sunny day he was almost smashed by huge foot of a Czech Brave Hiker.

In the last second, he noticed him sitting next to the green bush and screamed:


Small rabbit got scared a bit but after a while decided to come closer to this huge creature,

being too curious what it was. 

Slovak guy name was Tomas- while he was looking at this innocent and cute creature,

he decided to take him home.

He also gave him a name: FELIKS.

First days were really difficult for both of them- Feliks was a little bit afraid of new environment but as he got hungry, he didn't mind being feeded by Tomas who soon became his "mother".


Nowadays, Feliks is already member of family.

Tomas feeds him every single day...

However, Feliks also tries to learn how to eat on his own- independency is what he wants :)

Lovely, isn't it? :)

This story shows that:

1. You can get killed any time.

2. Anyting can happen in your life which is unpredictible

(and that's what I love the most about it)

3. You can become mother, father, a friend or anyone else and you will love it.

4. Milk is healthy :0)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Bratislava Here I come! :) PART 1

Elmo vel klaczek didn’t want to leave Poland….He was crying all night long…trying to persuade me some things, make pressure, seduce me in order to change my mind…I was relentless though!

The way to this capital of halusky was long and kind of quiet. I was thinking a lot about what is going to happen in my life and since then nothing has changed, apart from my physical state, knowledge about the company I am going to work for, my weight (I guess that I gained some pounds or it is just my imagination). There was one moment when I was not sure whether we will arrive in Bratislava the same day…one lovely Slovak Policeman stopped us, having some excuses later on and finally left with some money paid by our driver(for nothing).

How is it now?

I do awfully miss some of people who became really close to me either during these years or recently. I am struggling with that a lot of more than when I was going to Prague.

Completely different emotions, feelings…

I also feel like in a trap- connection between Poland and Slovakia is kind of poor…night direct trains and buses from time to time…I am asking you: People responsible for Polish-Slovak Relations! How come it is possible!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pog mo thoin - Memories from unpredictible Ireland/2008

Celtic land - Place where I learnt how to to deal with real problems 
and be responsible.

Breathtaking views...amazingly intense green grass....

various people...and red head fake Irish :)

I wonder why almost everyone considered me as an  Irishwoman :)

Here is my first day in Ballina:

My first sunset:

Meditating and enjoying the Atlantic Ocean's refreshing breath of air:

Traditional greeting in Ireland :)

Connemara..I could stay there forever....

Kylemore Abbey - an 18th century castle now owned by the Benedictine nuns.

Do you think that me wearing this lovely hat would have a chance to

luck into a cool party there?:)

And beloved Achill Island....Windy, humidly but...stunningly!

The Céide Fields Visitor Centre :) 

And the mayonnaise flag :)

I have started my  trip around Dublin from visiting Guinness Brewery  :) here, on the 8th floor with bird's eye view,carrying 2 pints of Guinness:

Meaningful Sculpture representing all people who died because of hunger in Ireland...

And that's the model of perfect man's hand :)

Panties for 1 euro :)

Custom House:

and green park in front of Dublin Castle:

During Haloween time, I was attracted to one guy:

and found one sweet pumpkin which was wondering whether it is proper to eat sweets or not:

I have also found pretty original bench in the centre of one town:

In the end....common picture of Ireland just for You :)