Sunday, April 4, 2010

Bratislava Here I come! :) PART 1

Elmo vel klaczek didn’t want to leave Poland….He was crying all night long…trying to persuade me some things, make pressure, seduce me in order to change my mind…I was relentless though!

The way to this capital of halusky was long and kind of quiet. I was thinking a lot about what is going to happen in my life and since then nothing has changed, apart from my physical state, knowledge about the company I am going to work for, my weight (I guess that I gained some pounds or it is just my imagination). There was one moment when I was not sure whether we will arrive in Bratislava the same day…one lovely Slovak Policeman stopped us, having some excuses later on and finally left with some money paid by our driver(for nothing).

How is it now?

I do awfully miss some of people who became really close to me either during these years or recently. I am struggling with that a lot of more than when I was going to Prague.

Completely different emotions, feelings…

I also feel like in a trap- connection between Poland and Slovakia is kind of poor…night direct trains and buses from time to time…I am asking you: People responsible for Polish-Slovak Relations! How come it is possible!

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