Monday, November 1, 2010

Why I am here for?

LiFe------> Miserable existence or enriching experience?

Tones of questions about existence have been appearing in our minds for so many centuries,
issues that we have to deal with every singe day at work, home, basically everywhere.

Therefore, all of those guides how to become happy, successful and remain peace in your soul, became extremely popular among people all over the world.

The best recipies to keep balance in your soul, advices, does and don't s, make me dizzy a little bit even if it's also me who is keen on such a development and changes which should be implemented in my life.

The novelty on the market is the newest movie about the journey to inside of your heart....
Lovely, well shooted, a bit idealised and simplified though...
The whole process of letting yourself to know what is your need and what you really want is more complex than this shown in the movie.

The decision about starting process of changes has to be made, though.
It is said that if you do it, if you pass this border, the half of an effort is done- the same with addictied people who admit they lost themselves somewhere in unknown place and want to go back.
It is uncommon for me to quote the greatests philosophers or spiritual masters, prophets but whatBuddha said refers to so many people's states:

The whole secret of existence is to have no fear"

Our life is occupied by fear.
Fear of changes.
Too much of mess, too much of noise and complicating your life by yourselves cause the state of dizziness and clumsiness

It's enough that you leave your whole life and go to travel in order to find peace.

I am quite sceptic about all of these ways-- will this really make me happy?
Won't it be enough sometimes just to sit in front of the person that you care about and make a plan of changes, trying to implement them step by step?

On the other hand, the perspective of travelling, tasting, smelling , hearing and touching something new is right.
Our body and mind remains the same, our brain get used to see the same buildings on the way to work, the same people, their voices, smells, dealing with their habits, silly acting sometime.

How incredible is the process of testing yourself while being in various situations, that you haven't experienced before! how refreshing it can be!

To exist is to experience change,in yourself, in people's in the world's.
If you are closed for a change, you are already "dead".

If you do not consider other beliefs, opinions, ways of life, then nothing in your life will change.
If you do not listen, it means that you haven't learnt how to listen to yourself yet.

There is time for changing that.
With no fear.

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