Wednesday, November 4, 2009

dustbin of my past?

It's me...looking into my future brightly....

it changes from time to time...

It's  grey, fluffy but ugly monster with sharp spikes, hurting me painfully, sitting next to me and groaning...You don’t understand what’s going on and what’s worse you can’t even change waiting patiently is the best option...till he will get bored or you decide to kick it out.It's tough though.

 It grumbles and complains about everything.When you tell him that life is beautiful, he is laughing loudly and making fun of you being naive.

Well, all of us meet these monsters plenty of times in our lives....

Some of us are more susceptible for it, some less....

Besides, this monster won't come without our don't give him even the smallest sign or reason to sit comfortably in our favourite sofa and bother you!!!


Fight for yourself!


Winter is coming what makes me feel sort of dizzy... and cold :)

It's perfect moment for them...Bad mood monsters :)

Where is my blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaankeeeetttt!!!!

1 comment:

  1. E. Roosvelt "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
