Monday, November 23, 2009

bella bella - Pinokio pinokio :)

I am dancing,enjoying the music, feeling perfectly comfortable...singing in my mind and smilling to other people...then I am going to take a rest.....drinking, watching other crazy dancers, some utter morons as well..

suddenly, something is catching my eye....sparkling, silver and shining....



I look at them as a little Polish girl is staring at Barbie doll. Some pictures are appearing in my head just like that,immediate reaction of my brain which brings back memories. 

Memories about someone who gave me a lot of faith and power in order to fight for what you want to achieve i your life.

Someone who seems to be so damn pure and gentle as a lamb in some areas and wise and completely wild in other ones. It doesn't matter that I haven't seen him for a long time. Moments like that one, prove that all data, all memories that I wanted to keep, are in my head.  

That's what friendship is about. Being close, mainly emotionally.Sharing thoughts, feelings, opinions.

This guy was delighted to hear that I really liked his shoes. Sweet and talkative Stefano invited me for Żubróvka (I wonder why Żubróvka!) and that's how my evening ended.



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