Monday, November 23, 2009

Turkce biliyorsun? The story about how tough is to deal with Turkish guys :P

Lovely coat....creamy, fluffy and elegant.

I decided to buy it yesterday.There were no size for my slim body, so we arranged a meeting on Monday(today),furthermore: I recognized that salesman was speaking in music for my ears- Turkish language!

As far as I am smart person,I thought about special preparation in order to bargain better.

Imagine Kinia, coming to this guy toay, asking for coat and then saying: nasilsin?turkce biliyorsun?

This guy was soooo shocked! :)

Our conversation went very well, I got discount and eventually he asked me for a date :)

Thank you Onur! I will invite you for my wedding! :P

bella bella - Pinokio pinokio :)

I am dancing,enjoying the music, feeling perfectly comfortable...singing in my mind and smilling to other people...then I am going to take a rest.....drinking, watching other crazy dancers, some utter morons as well..

suddenly, something is catching my eye....sparkling, silver and shining....



I look at them as a little Polish girl is staring at Barbie doll. Some pictures are appearing in my head just like that,immediate reaction of my brain which brings back memories. 

Memories about someone who gave me a lot of faith and power in order to fight for what you want to achieve i your life.

Someone who seems to be so damn pure and gentle as a lamb in some areas and wise and completely wild in other ones. It doesn't matter that I haven't seen him for a long time. Moments like that one, prove that all data, all memories that I wanted to keep, are in my head.  

That's what friendship is about. Being close, mainly emotionally.Sharing thoughts, feelings, opinions.

This guy was delighted to hear that I really liked his shoes. Sweet and talkative Stefano invited me for Żubróvka (I wonder why Żubróvka!) and that's how my evening ended.



Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My Ewcia got married!

The time to settle down came for her....she is even more freaky than me, in any terms

 :D but still kind of quite taken up by him....

That's us, enjoying wedding party together


Guys were not as ecstatic as we were... thinking probably about life and existence :D

And here wool-gathering...instead of doing what decent girl should do...

God, forgive me!

Monday, November 16, 2009


10 hugs from Kinia for winner of this lovely contest!

What you have to do is to guess whose hairy legs are these ones!


Sort of lanky, eccentric and decent guy who seems to be one of the mot talented IT workers in Europe. During free time he says "I know" even if he doesn't listen what second person is saying.

Typical ha?


Send the answers to:

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

dustbin of my past?

It's me...looking into my future brightly....

it changes from time to time...

It's  grey, fluffy but ugly monster with sharp spikes, hurting me painfully, sitting next to me and groaning...You don’t understand what’s going on and what’s worse you can’t even change waiting patiently is the best option...till he will get bored or you decide to kick it out.It's tough though.

 It grumbles and complains about everything.When you tell him that life is beautiful, he is laughing loudly and making fun of you being naive.

Well, all of us meet these monsters plenty of times in our lives....

Some of us are more susceptible for it, some less....

Besides, this monster won't come without our don't give him even the smallest sign or reason to sit comfortably in our favourite sofa and bother you!!!


Fight for yourself!


Winter is coming what makes me feel sort of dizzy... and cold :)

It's perfect moment for them...Bad mood monsters :)

Where is my blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaankeeeetttt!!!!