Thursday, January 21, 2010

The simple story about Humanity

She entered the bus nonchalantly, looking around in order to find a place to seat. There was one, so she went there,without much thought.

Suddenly, something was wrong. All people in the bus started to stare at her. Everything happened so fast. Yes, there was homeless guy sitting on the right side of the seat.

"What's the problem?"

she thought and sat firmly next to him to everyone's amazement.

Then she realized, what was the reason why everybody was murmuring and whispering: This guy smelled badly, typical feature for human being who has no chance or no desire to take a shower. That was the reason!- she noticed immediately.

She didn't mind, though. The smell doesn't determine the humanity. While sitting, she felt like talking to him, asking something, giving something to eat. She couldn't.

At first, she thought that offering him fresh Turkish roll which has just been bought in bakery, would be great idea, then asking him about the weather? Stupid, ridiculous...What if he will start shouting? Time was passing...The anger filled her heart- Why she was unable to talk to him? This weird distance....Finally, the bus approached the station, she had to go out...moving to the doors, she couldn't refrain from looking at him softly...and then...

He smiled in a wise, incredible grin to her...she smiled back with a pleasure! That was enough for him. For her too.


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